Carissimi Soci,

su indicazione del Dott. Luca Forti (Università degli Studi di Milano) si allega un messaggio con invito alla sottomissione di contributi per la sessione patrocinata da AIQUA “Multidisciplinary perspectives on Quaternary climate change” prevista in occasione del Congresso congiunto SGI-SIMP “Geology for a sustainable management of our Planet” organizzato dalla Società Geologica Italiana (SGI) e la Società Italiana di Mineralogia e Petrologia (SIMP) a Bari dal 3 al 5 settembre 2024.

La deadline per la sottomissione dei contributi è il 26 Aprile 2024.


Care Colleghe e Colleghi del Quaternario italiano,

Vi invitiamo a considerare la possibilità di sottomettere un abstract alla nostra sessione "Multidisciplinary perspectives on Quaternary climate change" che si terrà nell'ambito del Congresso congiunto SGI-SIMP " Geology for a sustainable management of our Planet "organizzato dalla Società Geologica Italiana (SGI) e la Società Italiana di Mineralogia e Petrologia (SIMP) a BARI dal 3 al 5 settembre 2024.


sito congresso:

norme sottomissione abstract:


Segue una descrizione della sessione.





T4. Multidisciplinary perspectives on Quaternary climate change

The ongoing climate change forces the geoscience community to envision the potential impacts on the lito-atmo-hydro-biosphere as well as the anthroposphere. The Quaternary is the perfect playground to explore similar changes occurred in the past, as a period punctuated by drastic climate shifts and environment instability concurrent with the appearance of Homo species, the rise and fall of ancient societies, and the development of modern cultures often molded by the climate and environmental background.

In the last decades the increased multidisciplinary methodologies among and beyond the Earth Sciences has provided key data to the study of Quaternary climate oscillations and environmental dynamics that had a role in shaping landscapes, habitats, ecosystems and ancient societies. Such approach has also significantly benefited the archaeological and anthropological research, with the rise of Geoarchaeology as an interdisciplinary link between Geosciences and archaeology aimed to unravel potential interactions between archaeological communities and ecosystems.

Thus, this session welcomes inter- and multi-disciplinary contributions enhancing our understanding regarding the change of climate and environment during the Quaternary, its extent, pace and tempo. It is also open to studies regarding the intricate relationship between climate and human resilience and impact. There are no limitations regarding the type of archive selected; geological deposits and proxy records from land and/or sea, statistical models, historical data as well archaeological/anthropological findings are all suitable to perfect the picture about Quaternary, from global to local scale and from multimillennial to intracentennial timescale.


CONVENERS: Luca Forti (Università degli Studi di Milano), Andrea Columbu (Università di Pisa), Monica Bini (Università di Pisa), Ilaria Isola (INGV, Pisa), Guido Stefano Mariani (Università di Torino), Andrea Zerboni (Università di Milano)


Grazie per l'attenzione e un cordiale saluto,

Luca Forti, Andrea Columbu, Monica Bini, Ilaria Isola, Guido S. Mariani e Andrea Zerboni


Dear Italian quaternary colleagues,


We are encouraging you to submit your contribution to the  SGI-SIMP Congress "Geology for a sustainable managementof our Planet"  (Bari, Italy, 3-5/09/2024).


In particular, we would be glad if you would submit it in our session entitled: Multidisciplinary perspectives on Quaternary climate change (topic: CLIMATE IN THE PAST, PRESENT AND FUTURE) site of the congress:

abstract guidelines:




T4. Multidisciplinary perspectives on Quaternary climate change

The ongoing climate change forces the geoscience community to envision the potential impacts on the lito-atmo-hydro-biosphere as well as the anthroposphere. The Quaternary is the perfect playground to explore similar changes occurred in the past, as a period punctuated by drastic climate shifts and environment instability concurrent with the appearance of Homo species, the rise and fall of ancient societies, and the development of modern cultures often molded by the climate and environmental background.

In the last decades the increased multidisciplinary methodologies among and beyond the Earth Sciences has provided key data to the study of Quaternary climate oscillations and environmental dynamics that had a role in shaping landscapes, habitats, ecosystems and ancient societies. Such approach has also significantly benefited the archaeological and anthropological research, with the rise of Geoarchaeology as an interdisciplinary link between Geosciences and archaeology aimed to unravel potential interactions between archaeological communities and ecosystems.

Thus, this session welcomes inter- and multi-disciplinary contributions enhancing our understanding regarding the change of climate and environment during the Quaternary, its extent, pace and tempo. It is also open to studies regarding the intricate relationship between climate and human resilience and impact. There are no limitations regarding the type of archive selected; geological deposits and proxy records from land and/or sea, statistical models, historical data as well archaeological/anthropological findings are all suitable to perfect the picture about Quaternary, from global to local scale and from multimillennial to intracentennial timescale.


CONVENERS: Luca Forti (Università degli Studi di Milano), Andrea Columbu (Università di Pisa), Monica Bini (Università di Pisa), Ilaria Isola (INGV, Pisa), Guido Stefano Mariani (Università di Torino), Andrea Zerboni (Università di Milano)


Best regards

Luca Forti, Andrea Columbu, Monica Bini, Ilaria Isola, Guido S. Mariani e Andrea Zerboni.

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